In partnership with Waterford Cultural Quarter, we are thrilled to present Losing Your Body a new piece of award-winning Dance/Aerial/Theatre created and starring Waterford’s
Rachel Ní Bhraonáin. (see link below)

Rachel is an Arts Council & WC&CC Supported Dance Artist in Residence at Garter Lane Arts Centre where her commitment to her practice and her prolific offerings have done much to raise the profile of professional contemporary dance in the region in the last 4 yrs. Rachel’s work has been featured in the Irish Times, The Independent and the UK Guardian, she has been interviewed on Oliver Callans show and yet to date, her work has never been formally presented on a Waterford stage to Waterford audiences. Until now!

We are very hopeful that you will join us to see the show on one of the evenings of Sept 20th or 21st Sept.

And please do, spread the word to those on your contact lists who you know would like celebrate this cultural event with us.

To learn more click here