Waterford Local Enterprise Office has announced a programme of 24 events across 5 days during Local Enterprise Week 2025, taking place for Waterford City and County businesses from March 3rd to March 7th.
This year’s Local Enterprise Week will feature many new events including informative and engaging workshops, seminars, presentations and advice clinics aimed at local businesses, whether in pre-start, start-up or as an established business looking to grow.
The Local Enterprise Office has gathered experts in finance, marketing, social media, A.I. and sustainability. There are networking events, advice clinics and regional business awards, all crammed into one week at the start of March.
While favourites like the ever popular ‘Social Media Mash-Up’ returns to the Local Enterprise Week there are new and innovative events such as a Digital Innovation Clinic with the Walton Institute. You’ll get the opportunity to discuss your Digital Innovation project with an expert from the Walton Institute and explore how their expertise could potentially assist you to realise your ambition.
This clinic will explore how your limited company could avail of an Innovation voucher to access up to €5000 worth of expert time with Walton institute to work on a project in areas such as software development, communications services, immersive technologies, artificial intelligence and machine learning, data analytics, future networks, digital platforms, and Internet of Things (IoT).
The ’Get Exporting Workshop’ is an excellent opportunity for businesses looking to scale up and seek new markets. It gives a practical step-by-step approach to get started exporting. This includes identifying target markets, currency exchange, invoicing, and trade finance, not to mention access to grants, trade missions, and expert advice.
Tuesday March 4th celebrates the future of enterprise in Waterford with the Student Enterprise Programme County final in the Park Hotel. 36 businesses from 12 schools will compete on the day for a place at the National Finals in May.
Two events not to be missed are, the Grow Digital Workshop which will assist you in securing up to €5,000 to transform your business, and an extremely interesting Going Green workshop which will help unlock an energy efficiency grant of €10,000.
The Local Enterprise Office also celebrates International Women’s Day with Waterford Chamber, Dungarvan Chamber and Network Waterford supporting three events across the week.
Head of Enterprise at Local Enterprise Office Waterford Gareth Evans is looking forward to what promises to be a busy and productive week, “Local Enterprise Week is the perfect opportunity for many businesses to dip into a specific area of interest and gather information on a topic that may be relevant to their business now or in the future. It also provides the perfect opportunity for someone who may be interested in starting a business to get an idea of some of the key areas of focus and how to take those first steps.
“Waterford Local Enterprise Office is delighted to work in conjunction with various key business support organisations and state agencies, including Enterprise Ireland, Network Waterford, Dungarvan Chamber and Waterford Chamber, to provide a programme that gives start-ups and small businesses opportunities to help them on the path to growth.”
To register for Local Enterprise Week events taking place in Waterford city and county from March 3rd to 7th, visit https://www.localenterprise.ie/!AK56SF. Most events are completely free of charge while some have a nominal booking fee. As with every year, many of the events are expected to book up quickly so early booking is strongly advised.