South East Technological University (SETU) proudly announces the appointment of Professor Marie Claire Van Hout as Vice President of Research, Innovation and Impact. 

With an extensive academic background and a track record in interdisciplinary global health research and knowledge transfer, Professor Van Hout brings a wealth of experience and expertise to her new role at SETU.

“We are thrilled to welcome Professor Van Hout as Vice President of Research, Innovation and Impact at SETU,” said Professor Veronica Campbell, President of SETU. “Her unparalleled expertise and passion for advancing knowledge and societal well-being align with SETU’s ambitions in our strategic plan. We look forward to her leadership in driving impactful research and innovation that will make a positive difference.”

Holding PhDs in Public Health from Teesside University and in Law from Liverpool’s John Moore’s University, along with a Master of Law from Dublin City University and Master of Science qualifications in health professions education, and addictions, Prof. Van Hout exemplifies inter-disciplinary academic excellence.

Welcoming her appointment, Prof. Van Hout said, “I am delighted to return to SETU and the south east region. My vision is to lead, elevate, and consolidate SETU’s research, innovation, and knowledge transfer, and graduate studies portfolio to build a world-class, impactful, transformative, empowering, inclusive, and sustainable research, innovation, and entrepreneurship ecosystem in the south east region.”

Prof. Van Hout was first appointed as lecturer in the School of Health Sciences at Waterford Institute of Technology in 2004, and in 2017 was promoted to senior lecturer. She became Professor of International Public Health Policy and Practice at Liverpool John Moore’s University in late 2017, where she also served as Associate Dean for Research and Knowledge Exchange, and Head of Global Health at the Institute for Health Research. She holds various adjunct professorships in Ireland, the United Kingdom, Portugal, South Africa, and the United States, and is Vice Chair of a Marie Sklodowska Curie Life Sciences Panel.

Her extensive portfolio includes publishing over 300 peer-reviewed journal articles and securing over €14 million in research funding from entities such as the European Union, Irish and UK Research Councils, and pharmaceutical industries. 

Notably, her global health research concentrates on health policy, health inequalities, and human rights of marginalised and minority groups, including individuals affected by communicable and non-communicable diseases, gender-based violence, migration, and detention. 

Prof. Van Hout has also actively consulted for international organisations such as the World Health Organisation, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime and Joint Secretariat on HIV/AIDS, the Council of Europe, and the European Union Agency for Drugs as a substantive human rights and health policy expert.