Save the date! You are invited to attend the Portalis pilot project closure event at 6.30pm on Thursday, 13th July 2023 at The Tapestry Room, The Granville Hotel, Waterford.
The event, open and free to the public, will shine a light on the project’s ambition, delivery and potential into the future. The pilot project aims to protect and promote our natural and cultural coastal heritage and in doing so, sustainably grow visitor numbers within our cross border region.
The evening will include a presentation on findings from the project, including an overview of our two cross-border tourism network developments, our Irish and Welsh local stakeholder groups now created between Ireland and Wales, and how we've interpreted our findings and communicated these through community engagement.
To find out more about the Portalis project, visit:
We look forward to seeing you on the 13th of July!
The Portalis project is supported with €1.5m funding from the European Regional Development Fund through the Ireland Wales Cooperation Programme, The project is led by South East Technological University and is supported by the University of Wales Trinity Saint David, Ceredigion County Council and Waterford Chamber of Commerce.
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Date and Time
Thursday Jul 13, 2023
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM IST