Waterford Chamber has been shortlisted for two Chambers Ireland Awards and the category winners will be announced at a gala event on June 6th . The awards will be presented for excellence in eight individual categories with one Chamber also taking home the award for Chamber of the Year 2024, the title which was held by Waterford Chamber in 2021. 

According to Waterford Chamber CEO Gerald Hurley, “This is testament to the hard-work and commitment of the team and I am delighted to see our work recognised in this manner. This shows we continue to strive for the very best for our members and our work will continue in earnest, but today belongs to the team and I wish them every congratulations.

"We have been nominated for Event of the Year for our Dublin Diaspora Dinner, where we gathered Dublin-based influencers for a dinner in Lansdowne Football Club, to showcase the investment and business opportunities in Waterford, with the view to them acting as Ambassadors for the promotion of Waterford. During this event we also launched our Think Waterford First USB keys, a free tool containing all the relevant information for Waterford, including graphics, videos, economic reports and more. 

"In addition, we are nominated for the Community Support Award for our collaboration with Waterford GAA Commerical Group and Deise in Dublin, in organising a fundraising corporate evening 'Deise Rising' at Croke Park, which raised funds for the grassroots development of Waterford GAA and the Solas Centre.

"While our work is mainly focused in Waterford, it is great to see our efforts in promoting Waterford and the business community to outside influencers being acknowledged by our peers.

“We also wish the very best of luck to our colleagues in Dungarvan & West Waterford Chamber, who have been nominated for two awards, and to all the Chambers who continue to do great work on behalf of their members across the country.” 

Speaking after the shortlist was announced (1 May 2024), Chambers Ireland’s President, Fiona Candon, said: “The calibre of entries this year has been incredibly high and I’d like to commend each Chamber for demonstrating exceptional ambition, innovation and creativity.

"Chambers across the country are strong, vocal advocates for the businesses and communities they represent, and they contribute significantly to the overall growth and economic prosperity of the regions they serve.  The projects shortlisted demonstrate this focus on business advocacy, community spirit and willingness to collaborate.”